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iPhoto ’11 9.0.1

After cries of woe from users for whom the iPhoto ’11 upgrade process erased all their photos, Apple has now released iPhoto ’11 9.0.1 (that’s right, iPhoto ’11 is in the 9.x version number range—that’s what happens when Apple relies on years for product names). iPhoto 9.0.1 “addresses issues that, in extremely rare cases, could result in data loss when upgrading a library from an earlier version of iPhoto.” Since it’s important to upgrade to iPhoto 9.0.1 before upgrading, first install iLife ’11 and then, before you launch iPhoto ’11 for the first time, open Software Update and download the iPhoto 9.0.1 update. Once that’s installed, you can launch iPhoto and
allow it to upgrade your library. Apple has a support note about the process that recommends that you make a backup first (always a good idea) and that you allow the upgrade process to complete even if it’s moving very slowly. All that said, continue to hold off on installing iPhoto ’11 if you need to create a calendar for the holiday season, since Apple still hasn’t confirmed that the functionality will return in time. ($49 new with iLife ’11, free update, 33.87 MB)

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