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Internet Users Win At BackJack

Until now, no Internet backup services have worked with the Macintosh. With the release of BackJack from Synectics, though, Mac users finally have a way of backing up and restoring files over the Internet. BackJack provides a simple interface for selecting files to back up, then compresses and encrypts (with 128 bit encryption) your files before uploading them. BackJack logs all actions, plus it sends you email after every session. You can automate the software to take advantage of less expensive off-peak rates – pricing is based on the amount of data you back up, when you send it, and how much storage space you use (recovering data is always free). In our testing so far, BackJack was easy to set up and has worked well. You can test it for yourself since the company offers a free 15 day trial period with 2 MB of storage space. Along with the free software from the BackJack Web site, the service requires a 28.8 Kbps or faster Internet connection and supports one or more PowerPC-based Macs (a 68K version of the software is in development).

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