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Major announcements this week come from unexpected sources: Skype and IDG World Expo. Skype is releasing an iPhone app, perhaps by the time you read this, and IDG World Expo has moved Macworld Expo from its traditional early January dates to the middle of February. In other news, we released “Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal” for those who want to know more about the Mac’s Unix command line, Jeff Carlson reveals some of the changes that Apple refuses to tell us about in iMovie ’09 8.0.1, Matt Neuburg explains how the latest version of KeyCue shows both application and global keyboard shortcuts, David Blatner makes the most of a bad situation by explaining what he learned from having his laptop stolen, and Adam goes deep to learn exactly what Apple puts inside an Xserve’s Apple Drive Module. Other software releases this week include Firefox 3.0.8, iLife Support 9.0.2, iWeb Update 3.0.1, iPhoto Update 8.0.2, iMovie Update 8.0.1, iWork ’09 Update 1 9.0.1, MacBook Pro Graphics Firmware Update 1.0, Sandvox 1.6, TextExpander 2.6 and Carbon Copy Cloner 3.2.

Adam Engst No comments

Skype Coming to iPhone

Skype is slated to release a version of its voice-over-IP software for the iPhone and iPod touch on 31-Mar-09, but don't expect it to eliminate your need for cell phone minutes entirely.

Adam Engst No comments

Going Deep Inside Xserve Apple Drive Modules

If you've had an Xserve drive fail, you may have considered putting a replacement drive inside its Apple Drive Module to save some money. That may be a false economy, though, as Adam discovers when chasing down exactly what goes into Apple Drive Modules and why they cost so much more than bare retail drives.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 30-Mar-09

This week's discussions touch on many topics, including iPod sync errors after moving iPhoto's library, reformatting USB memory drives, protecting data on laptops, determining the latest installed version of Java, extending and joining AirPort networks, using server-grade drives in Time Capsule, and dealing with Apple's terse release notes.