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Everyone seems to be communicating via instant messaging, but does the idea of responding to short conversation bursts (or reading Twitter posts) make you want to crawl into a small room and lock the door? Joe Kissell looks at how his introversion feeds his aversion to instant messaging (and how he uses that to his advantage). This week also brings news from Adobe, as the company releases a beta of Lightroom 2 (disclosing that the next version of Photoshop on the Mac will not be 64-bit capable) and updates the Photoshop Express terms of service concerning Adobe’s usage of users’ photos. In other news, Adam explains how to fix corrupt Eudora mailboxes (from recent first-hand experience, of course), AT&T lowers its cancellation fee for new subscribers, Glenn and Joe talk Time Capsule and backups on the MacVoices podcast, Glenn gets confirmation from Apple that Time Machine backups to AirPort Disk aren’t supported, and we (finally) reinstate the printer-friendly mode for viewing TidBITS articles on the Web. Lastly, in the TidBITS Watchlist, we note updates to Daylite, MacSpeech Dictate, YummySoup, NetworkLocation, Default Folder X, and Things. Apple joins in the fun with updates to QuickTime, iTunes, Front Row, Keynote, and the AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow AirPort base stations.

Jeff Carlson No comments

64-bit Controversy Accompanies Lightroom 2 Beta

Adobe announced the Lightroom 2 beta last week, which features multiple-monitor support, the capability to apply edits to select portions of an image, and smart collections. However, news that Lightroom 2 is 64-bit capable on the Mac brought up the news that the next version of Photoshop would not be.

Joe Kissell 7 comments

Instant Messaging for Introverts

Can your personality type affect your willingness to use certain modes of communication? In particular, do introverts have a harder time with technologies like instant messaging and Twitter than extroverts?

Adam Engst No comments

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 07-Apr-08

Notable software releases this week include Daylite 3.7.2, MacSpeech Dictate 1.0.1, YummySoup 1.6.7, NetworkLocation 2.3, Default Folder X 4.03, and Things 0.9.1. Apple joins in the fun with QuickTime 7.4.5, iTunes 7.6.2, Front Row 2.0.3, Keynote 4.0.3, and the AirPort Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow AirPort base stations.

Jeff Carlson No comments

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/07-Apr-08

Did hackers target a MacBook Air because it was more vulnerable, or more desirable? What's the best way to maximize the use of four hard disks on a single Mac? And what UPS models are recommended for working with Macs? These questions and other issues (instant messaging for introverts, Apple's legal logo opposition, the latest security update) are discussed this week.